Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kitchen Concoctions

We've been getting crafty in the kitchen recently. Well, one of us has been crafty, the other just went nuts. You be the judge.

Here is Jeremiah with his huge mixing bowl full of homemade eggnog. He made it last night, I won't drink it, and we leave tomorrow until Saturday night. May or may not have been his wisest choice. He declined to comment when asked why he didn't half the recipe.

Here is what remains of the cake I made for a little going-away shindig we had for two teachers that I work with. Isn't it so fun?? Remember, I work in an elementary school, so things with bright, fun colors are wonderful! Cameron, please refrain from commenting. I already know many many things you may have to say about this.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bye Bye Santa Beard

'Twas a sad moment in our apartment two nights ago. Jeremiah went into the bathroom to cut his hair, as he has always done. And kind of like the children's book, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, Jeremiah couldn't settle with just a haircut. He then wanted to trim up his sideburns. And then he wanted to even out his unruly beard. We examined the monstrosity on his chin, determining it to be more than an inch long (the longest setting on his clippers) but not by too much.

We were wrong.

Jeremiah looks like a normal man now, with appropriately trimmed facial hair. We figure his beard must have been between two and a half to three inches long. Ew. As much as I joked about that Santa beard, I really felt for my husband after that trimming mishap. He was a sad man, and I was sad for him. He had been so diligent about growing it out and not giving in to my most desperate of pleas. He was even looking forward to appearing on stage as Santa himself at our cousin's high school band concert (he's the band director) on December 10th. No more cameo in store for him. And I have been dreading breaking this to you, the fans, but I'm afraid our Christmas card photo may look semi-normal now. Unfortunate, I know.
Maybe throw up a prayer or two for rapid hair growth for Jeremiah, in the hopes that his joyful spirit will soon return for the holidays.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I haven't posted anything, largely due to the fact that our lives have really been uneventful. We leave for work by 7am, Jeremiah returns at 5:30 or 6pm and I arrive shortly after him at about 6:20pm. I make dinner (although Jeremiah was the culinary master last night since I wasn't feeling well), we watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, and then I typically fall asleep on the couch while Jeremiah does more work. Good times.
We're in the midst of sorting out our Christmas decor and figuring out what gifts to buy for family. Next week we'll be heading north to Montrose for Thanksgiving and return on Sunday to put up our own tree. We're looking forward to being with family and celebrating the holidays. At that point, there will be much more to share with you.
Hang in there, December should be a more eventful month!