Monday, March 19, 2012

Twenty-Two Weeks

Breathing treatments have ended, thank goodness, and the cough seems to be slowly on its way out.
We're still waking up every couple of hours (and sometimes five times within an hour) due to the unfortunate pacifier drop, or so it seems. Fortunately, there is no feeding or changing so our wake-ups typically aren't long, but try setting your alarm every hour or two and then feeling rested the next day. Impossible. Now that Surrey's almost over her sickness, we're going to try and transition her out of the swaddle, so that ultimately, we can let her cry it out longer in the night. We're hoping she'll learn to soothe herself by either finding her pacifier or her own hand when she wakes up in the middle of the night. To begin the transition, during naps I put zip her arms inside a sleep slack. This gives her arms the freedom to move, but prohibits her little fingers from yanking out the pacifier. And Surrey is really into taking out her pacifier right now when she's tired, but yet, needs it to sleep. Strange. She's seriously like a dog fighting a chew toy with her hands at her mouth.
Our now five month old (!!!) has made herself known this past week, becoming very acquainted with her vocal cords. She is downright loud. Instead of crying when she needs something in the middle of the night, she now yells. During the day when she's talking, she's typically yelling, shrieking even. I affectionately call it scream-talking.
In addition to being noisy, our child is a mess. Literally, very messy. We now have to double-bib her most times to feed her, and typically cannot make it from one feeding to the next without changing her outfit at least once. Ever since she got sick she now spits out a lot of food while eating, and she continues to have a spit-up problem (but apparently not reflux). She grossly spits up one and a half to two hours after she's eaten. Ugh. This afternoon in a two hour span she went through two burp cloths, three onesies, two skirts, and ended up in her diaper until bed. Sheesh. Needless to say, we're doing wash every other day because we run out of bibs and burp cloths.
And even after doing this twenty-two times, she continues to be mesmerized by the camera and rarely flinches.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Glad she's feeling better!