Monday, January 9, 2012

Twelve Weeks

Apparently Surrey is a one-pose woman. In her first few weeks of life she was all about the superhero stretch, but now she's taking a more humble approach to photos. Pretty soon she's getting a nickname that somehow involves "frog." Rest assured, she does have properly functioning limbs and the ability to smile. This little lady loves to kick and flail her arms quite often nowadays, and plug your ears because she gets louder and more talkative by the day. Already turning into her mother? In her old age she now prefers to be standing up on one's lap when being held, showing off her muscle strength. She is also head over heels for her hands - constantly distracted by her fingers moving around and loves bringing them to her mouth, as if she's playing the air trumpet. Other exciting news is that (knock on wood) we think Surrey is growing out of her reflux phase. Way to go girl!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

The looks she give- like she is fascinated by the camera haha