Here is our nineteen week old baby girl, showing off her flexibility. And apparently also preparing for sunbathing season, which makes sense considering it was 78 degrees a few days ago. Surrey can't get enough of her toes nowadays. She's very into smacking her lips together and sucking on a phantom pacifier. It's weird, but so cute. Surrey also turned a corner recently, actually smiling and laughing for visiting friends and then my family this past weekend. We're headed in the right direction! Yesterday was her first time in childcare at church. Although it was technically naptime and she only dozed for about fifteen minutes, she was lovely. That's all that counts right now.
Oh, and here's a little behind the scenes video for you on this cloudy day. Now you can see why in most of the pictures there's a blurry limb or two - her frantic movements are quite difficult to capture.
Second picture she's just chilling with her hands behind her head haha
and she's even cuter in person.
The bottom picture is priceless! I love it!!
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