Monday, June 28, 2010

Adios Amigos

I'm stalling.

We're leaving Wednesday morning and won't be returning until July 10th. While going on vacation is good news, packing for an 11 day trip is not.

You may know one of the most agonizing tasks for me is to pack. My stress level shoots through the roof when I am merely packing for a weekend trip to my parents' house. I sit on my bed moaning out loud, as if I have so much indecision in me that it is has no choice but to overflow into audible gripes. Then I stand in front of my closet sighing, eyes panning left to right, left to right, over and over again because suddenly there is not one item of clothing I can bare, much less enjoy. I may pile a few random garments next to me that haven't seen the light of day in months, at which point I begin welling up with anxiety. At this point I usually lay face down in my pillow hoping that when I lift my head suddenly outfit choices will start flying off the hangers. Inevitably, though, I fall asleep. Jeremiah then comes in and wakes me, leaving me stressed and now groggy. Even better. It got so bad before the last trip we took that I went to bed angry and unpacked, waking up at 5:30 with the hopes of a renewed spirit. Not a good idea. That just left me frantic and desperate as I was forced to beat the clock on little sleep.

So that's why I'm stalling. I really have no reason to blog since I'll tell you all about our trip when we get back (or while we're there if we get wifi, say a quick prayer we do). Rather, I just need a break. My workout clothing options are set out and ready, in addition to the non-clothing items I got ready last night. Now it's the tough part. Wish me luck.


Kristin said...

I'm the same way except I just pack EVERYTHING- literally, it's horrible

Aunt Tammy said...

This is what I do on a daily basis...just to pick an outfit for the following work day. You did not think that the apple fell far from the tree, did you? Love, Aunt Tammy