Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Else Are You Doing Right Now?

If you haven't already noticed, a new blog link has been added to the right side of the screen.
Maybe Jeremiah hates the blog I've created and felt the need to start his own. Maybe he needs his own spotlight.
But fortunately, I don't think either of those are true. Rather, I think Jeremiah needs an outlet for getting out everything that goes on in that at times hard to figure out mind, and a blog seems like an appropriate venue. His intention was not necessarily to announce it to the public and see who will read it, but I think it's worth announcing. Recently, I've been impressed with Jeremiah's wisdom and his desire to seek godliness. I'm proud of him for being unashamed. One day this man is going to make a great dad. That was kind of off-topic, but worth announcing.
So go check out his blog. The man of seemingly little words has a lot to say and I think it's worth your read. What else are you doing right now?

1 comment:

Kristin said...

ooh- nice Jeremiah! I'm excited that I get TWO doses of the links now!