Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ladies Weekend

This weekend, while the men were in Atlanta, we had our own little ladies weekend with a special guest. Grandmom! A couple months ago I asked my mom if she'd mind traveling down to be with us to lend an extra hand and keep us company. Thankfully she obliged, and I'm so glad she did. We had a great time crafting, shopping, and planning for my sister's bridal shower. My poor mom most definitely will need a massage (or something equivalent that doesn't freak her out as much as people touching her) after all the baby floor-playing and lifting that was going on. She may also want to rest her voice after nonstop motherese. Babies are exhausting. But fortunately, my baby was also a lot of fun. Surrey was finally herself, full of personality and smiles and lick-kisses. I'm so glad my mom was able to have an enjoyable couple of days with her.
Thanks mom, you're the best!


Andria said...

I am sad that I missed coming down for ladies' weekend :( I can't wait to see Surrey again and may need to find a weekend to come down before the 20th.

Kristin said...

Love Surrey's dress!