Tuesday, February 2, 2010

No News is Snow News

One month exactly. That's a problem. Mom, thanks for confronting me about that tonight on the phone. Everyday when I'm on my computer I realize that it's been way too long since I've updated, but at the same time am totally demotivated because it seems like nothing very exciting is going on in our lives. From now on, I'll try to make even the mundane pleasant to read.

One thing that has indeed been exciting is blizzard round two in Richmond!! This past Saturday central Virginia got clobbered with about a foot of snow! In fact, I write to you now on the eve of our THIRD snow day. Yes, you read that correctly. As of tomorrow, we will have had three snow days in a row due Saturday's snow. Virginians are going nuts having had a huge snow last March (which we had three snow days for as well), a blizzard right before Christmas, and now this! On Friday I had to pick up some things at the grocery store and literally got the last spot in the parking lot. Who knew those massive parking lots could actually fill up. People here are crazy. Although ridiculous, I still love the fact that I once again can sleep in tomorrow morning. We're all positive will be back to work on Thursday though. The hardship of a two-day work week. Pennsylvania would scoff at such absurdity. VDOT needs to take a few tips from PennDOT, that's for sure.
An unfortunate consequence of the white stuff was that Jeremiah's concert on Saturday was canceled. Mark Willard (one of Jeremiah's best friends from Penn State) ventured down from Maryland on Friday night to spend the weekend with us. Him and Jeremiah were supposed to go see Lecrae (a Christian gospel/rap/hip-hop artist) on Saturday and spent $67 per ticket to do so. Weren't we all bummed when we got the email that due to inclement weather, Lecrae would not be performing. They were bummed for obvious reasons. I was bummed because that meant I was trapped in this small apartment with two men and only one TV. As you can tell, I've lived to tell about it, although cabin fever had set in only a few short minutes after they decided to watch the movie Star Trek. It ended up being a fun weekend, and we were very grateful for Mark's four-wheel drive to get us to church and to pick up Pizza Hut.

That's about all for now. Jeremiah and I have been counting down the hours until the season premiere of LOST. OH MY GOSH WE CANNOT WAIT! We just saw a commercial for it and my heart nearly stopped. We'll be glued to ABC for three hours of Lost obscenity in LESS THAN AN HOUR! I'm sure I'll be twice as confused and anxious once it's over, but here's to any hope we have to get any questions answered.

Here are a couple pictures of the snow from Sunday morning...

1 comment:

Kristin said...

you guys got a lot of snow