Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thirty-Two Weeks

Or at this point, thirty-two weeks and two days. Excuse the delay. The weekly photos are usually taken on Mondays, but this past Monday we were traveling back from Pennsylvania. After a weekend of not really being herself and sleeping pretty poorly (although she seemed to handle the swarm of relatives like a champ), that night Surrey seemed to be coming down with something. During the night she was up for over an hour straight screaming and that happened at both naps on Tuesday. So, no photo on Tuesday. They wanted us to bring her in since it sounded like she had a potential ear infection, but of course, nothing. It's so frustrating to know something's not right and see your baby sick but be told nothing is wrong. Anyway, that brings us to Wednesday. We took the photo but I ran out of time to post it until today. Happy Thursday! We're all feeling a bit like this nowadays...

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I love all the different expressions you get in the shots!